
Ghulam Ahmad has been intensely criticized[89][90] for the use of abusive language against his opponents and extremely blasphemous and objectionable language against Jesus Christ. Examples from his writings:

The family of Jesus was perfectly holy and immaculate. Jesus' three paternal and maternal grandmothers were fornicators and prostitutes, from whose blood the body of Jesus came into existence. May be it was a condition for divinity. His inclination for prostitutes and interaction with them might also be due to this ancestral relationship.[90]

– Anjam-e-Atham, pg. 291

It should be remembered that he (Jesus) had also to some extent the habit of lying. All the prophecies he described about himself in Torah are not found anywhere in the books of Torah.[90]

– Anjam-e-Atham, pg.289

However, Ahmadis believe that the examples have been taken out of context and do not represent the views of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad with regards to Jesus.[91] Ahmadis state[91] that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad repeatedly used expressions of honor, love and affection for Jesus. Among many examples, Ahmadis quote:

I state on oath that I bear that true love towards the Messiah which you do not possess and that you have not available to you the light with which I recognize him. There is no doubt that he was a dear and chosen Prophet of God.[91]

– Dawate Haq, attached to Haqeeqatul Wahi

Furthermore, Ahmadis cite[91] that Ahmad always claimed resemblance to Jesus and so how is it possible that a person who claims to be the like of another and his reflection should defame him or should be disrespectful towards him as that would result in defaming himself, as the reflection must correspond to the original. They cite:

Claiming as I do, that I am the Promised Messiah and that I bear a resemblance to Hazrat Isa, peace be on him, every one would understand that were I to revile him, I would not claim any resemblance to him, for by reviling him, I would confess that I myself was vicious.[91]

– Announcement of 27 December 1898

Ahmadis further state[91] that according to Ahmad Jesus of the Quran and the Jesus of the Gospels are two different and distinct personalities; Jesus in the Quran was a Prophet of God and was loved by Him and was a chosen one, but the Jesus of the Gospels was a fictitious personality and from the accounts contained in the Gospels his life was stained and unmoral which was the result of abrogation of the Gospels. From Ahmad's writings, they cite:

I have uttered no word of disrespect concerning the Messiah, it is all a calumny of my opponents. It is true, however, that as there has not in fact been a Messiah who claimed to be God and who held the Khatamul Anbya, who was to come, as an impostor and who called Moses a robber, I have as a matter of argument certainly stated concerning such a Jesus that he who might have expressed himself in this manner could not be held to be righteous. But I believe in the Messiah, son of Mary, who describes himself as a servant of God and Messenger and affirms the truth of the Khatamul Anbya.[91]

– Taryaqul Qulub, p.77

Ahmadis argue[91] that the reason for the use of harsh language was that at the time of the claim of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Christian missionaries had been in the habit of uttering vile abuse and making false charges against the Prophet Muhammad, such as a sincere Muslim dare not even repeat. Ahmad had endured this torment for forty years. According to Ahmadis such a refutation is a recognized method of defense to which recourse was held by previous divines and eminent personages in the faith, many instances of which are to be found in the history of Islam. Ahmadis cite from Ahmad's writings:

So many books full of vile abuse and defamation of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, have been printed and published the perusal of which makes one's body tremble. Our heart is so much in tribulation that if these people were to slaughter our children before our eyes and were to cut to pieces our sincere and beloved friends and were to kill us with great humiliation and were to take possession of our belongings, we call God to witness that even in such case we would not suffer so much grief and our heart would not be so severely wounded as we have suffered and endured under this abuse and defamation which has been directed against the Holy Prophet, peace and blessing of Allah be upon him.[91]

– Ayena Kamalat-e-Islam, p. 51

Thus, according to Ahmadis, Mirza Gulam Ahmad, has not in the slightest degree defamed Jesus. He has only, by way of refutation, condemned the Christians on the basis of the Gospels. In doing this, his only purpose was that the Christian missionaries should refrain from abusing and defaming and uttering false charges against Prophet Muhammad. This method according to Ahmadis silenced the Christian missionaries. Ahmadis further propose[91] that all the allegations as proposed by Ahmad were in line with the Gospel and not fictional, namely that Jesus of the Gospels indulged in liquor, some of his grandmothers were guilty of adultery and that his mother, Mary was charged with adultery by his enemies, though this was not the belief of Ahmad.